Investment longer than indicative term
In the Flex Market, your funds may need to remain on loan to a borrower or series of borrowers in an investment, beyond the indicative term. This may occur if, at the end of the indicative term, there are insufficient investor funds available to replace your funds in a loan. This period could be as long as an additional 23 months.
If your funds in the Flex Market are committed to a loan beyond the indicative term, your funds may be returned to your holding account if your investment in the relevant loan is able to be replaced with the funds of a different investor, subject to the funds replacement buffer. If your funds are committed for a longer period, you will continue to receive payments (where paid by the borrower or you are compensated by the Provision Fund in the event that a borrower is late making payment or defaults) and your interest rate will remain the same.
In all investment markets, your investment may be longer than the indicative term in the event that a borrower or series of borrowers in whose loans you are invested are late in making payment and you are not compensated by the Provision Fund or other collection or recovery efforts.