Debt consolidation calculator
Add in your debts below to calculate what your estimated monthly debt consolidation loan repayments could be
Prior to using this calculator, please see "Debt Consolidation Loan Calculator" in the Important Information section below to understand how this calculator works
What is a debt consolidation loan?
Debt consolidation is the process of combining multiple debts - such as credit cards, personal loans, and store cards - into a single loan with one repayment date and amount. This can simplify your financial management by eliminating the hassle of juggling multiple different payments.
How a debt consolidation loan could help you
Lower interest rates
Save money with potentially lower interest rates compared to high-interest debts, such as credit cards.
Simplified payments
Make managing your finances easier by consolidating debts into a single loan.
Improve Credit Score
Consistently making on-time payments on your consolidated loan can positively impact your credit score.
How the debt consolidation process works
Assess Your Debt
List all debts, including outstanding amounts, repayment amounts, interest rates, and repayment frequencies. Combine these figures to understand your current financial obligations.
Apply Now
Submit your application today. If approved, you could receive your funds in as little as 24 hours to pay off existing debts.
Streamline Your Repayments
With just one loan and one monthly repayment, you can simplify your financial commitments and say goodbye to juggling multiple payments.
See how our rates stack up
Compare our personal loan interest rates against the big 4 banks (including CommBank, Westpac, ANZ, & NAB)
Rates as of 09/03/2025.
Excludes any short term promotional rates. View the fine print for important information.
Your questions answered
How do I use the debt consolidation calculator?
The debt consolidation repayment calculator can be used to work out how much money you could borrow and for how long. Making sure the inputs in the calculator are all carefully considered will ensure your monthly repayment estimates are as accurate as possible.
How does a debt consolidation loan work?
What should I consider before consolidating debts?
Am I eligible for a Plenti debts consolidation loan?
What are the benefits of a debt consolidation loan?
How do I consolidate my debts?
What is the difference between a fixed interest and variable interest debt consolidation loan?
Get your personalised rate
Apply in 10 minutes and you could get your funds as soon as the next day.