Corporate Directory
Company name | Plenti Group Limited, ACN 643 435 492 |
Listing | Plenti Group Limited is a publicly traded company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the code PLT |
Registered office | Level 5, 14 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |
Board of directors | Mary Ploughman (Independent Non-Executive Chairman), Daniel Foggo (Non-Executive Director), Peter Behrens (Independent Non-Executive Director), Stephen Benton (Independent Non-Executive Director), Susan Forrester (Independent Non-Executive Director) |
Company secretaries | Georgina Koch |
Audit and risk committee | Stephen Benton (Chair) |
People and culture committee | Susan Forrester (Chair) |
Website | |
Auditor | Grant Thornton, Audit Pty Ltd, Level 17, 383 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |
Shareholder enquiries | ,1300 288 664,, |
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